Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Campus Session 2 - module 2.

Professional Ethics...what a bloody mine field!!! I thought I had a good sense of what ethics were but when it came to trying to voice it, well it was on the tip of my tongue but I and many others really struggled with the right words to relay what we were thinking in our heads.

Alan really helped us break it down. We looked at what makes someone a professional... See image 1.

We jotted down what we thought ethics actually are...see image 2.

We talked about who should be concerned with professional ethics...see image 3.

Your professional code of conduct is a great place to start when looking at what ethics involve your practice. Ethics are so far reaching that they effect almost everything you do in your professional and personal live, we make ethical and moral decisions constantly without realising. We all have in build and learnt ethical and moral standards that we adhere to all the time without giving it a second thought.

It's when thought has to be given to it or we are asked to break it down and explain our ethical stance, opinions and choices that I began to realise just how important this topic is and quite how much attention I will have to pay to the ethical side of my inquiry.

Another key thing to come out of this session for me was just how specific our inquiry's need to be. Many of my ideas and those I've heard from others i now realise are much too broad to be able to investigate and get valid and useful results. Also that smaller amounts of quality data may be better that masses of less in-depth information. I was looking at teacher/student relationships. I've now narrowed this right down to looking at How to set a good first impression as a teacher to a new class. Specifically looking at key stage 3 classes in my local area. I think this information will help me develop better relationships with my pupils as first impressions and initial boundaries are very important. I picked a specific age group as different age groups would need to be approached in different ways and this is the key stage in which I aim to be working with. I also have picked to look at this in my local area as children's lifestyles, attitudes and approaches can be different depending on where you live/grew up. So I'd like to get the best heads up on the children that I will be faced with.

I can always return to look at a wider audiences as and when my career calls for it.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate your feedback and if you have any questions about the campus session please don't hesitate to ask :)


  1. Hi Bobbie thanks for posting this. Great to see the diagrams and have a little explanation of what went on. I agree ethics are going to be a big section. I like the way you have concentrated you question down, it still could be applied in a wider way but is going to be more manageable- making me think I should do the same!
    A x

  2. Being more specific means that we can do some quality research. It's norrowed down my reading and given me a clearer subject group. I'm now getting into it and even looking forward to it. Rather than having a sense of dread that it Is all just too much!!!

    What have you decided at the moment for your inquiry topic?

  3. Thanks for this post bobbie. It's a great help. That's really a good point you have made about the inquiry topic. It is quite stressful because you want to choose somethig you are interested in and can get some good answers to as we will be working close to that inquiry for quite sometime. I was wanting to look into what made a good teacher as I am wanting to start teaching. Obviously this subject is far too broad. I am going to have a think now how I could narrow that down. Xx
