Saturday, 6 April 2013

5b - statutory guidelines for ethical conduct.

So after reading through lots of different ethical/codes of conduct relating to my field or practice. I've come across a few things that I'd over looked or not given enough credit to during 5a...

1. The responsibility to uphold the publics trust in us as a professional teacher.

2. The safeguarding of my pupils interests and well being.

3. The importance of not exploiting my own personal views and opinions.

4. CPD regarding the prevention of injury.

5. The necessity to hold public/employer liability.

6. Recognising a students potential and helping them reach there goals.

7. Health and safety guidelines.

8. Objectivity and upholding 'fundamental British values'.

All of my findings during task a were relevant and necessary in my professional practice. The things I have listed above have not come as a surprise to me. Only that they are more important than I initially gave the credit.

The idea of being in the public eye as a role model is really interesting. It's learning what is and isn't expectable and where to draw boundary s. The government Teaching Standards talks a lot about upholding fundamental British values. I guess that as these are all values that I already hold with high esteem that it didn't really dawn on me that not everyone does. And that those people will have a much harder job in setting this example as a teacher.

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