Monday, 19 November 2012

Inquiry 2d

• What in my daily practice gets me really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do I admire who also works with what makes me enthusiastic?

My main professional career now revolves mostly around teaching musical theatre to primary aged children. Although I strongly believe in the idea of life long learning it is not the dance, music and drama in my daily practice that I get really enthusiastic to learn more about. But the psychology of the children I teach. And how a better understanding of how the children work as learners would help me teach them more productively.

At this stage of my career I don't really have anyone to discuss and share these thoughts with. I have started doing some research on this topic. Once I am a bit better acquainted with the subject I intend to use my new found communication technology skills to find others interested in the field to further extend my knowledge.

I am at present acquiring a copy of the journal linked below to continue my reading.

• What gets me angry or makes me sad? Who do I admire who shares my feelings or has found a way to work around the sadness or anger?

Nothing gets me more angry professionally than other so called professionals ignorance when it comes to the value of The Arts in Education.

I think that it is very sad that some people's narrow mindedness can lead to whole groups of children missing out on this part of there education.

At present I work in primary school settings where they very rarely have dedicated dance or drama teachers and as subjects they get skimmed over and left by the way side!!!

I have an Aunt who I have always found inspirational. She is a primary school teacher who has worked her way through the ranks and is now a successful head teacher. Although not a dancer or actress she has always enjoyed and seen merit in these areas and has consistently stood her ground in including these when putting together her lessons and curriculum.

Her school is certainly challenging with English being the 5th most common spoken language and many of the children coming from poor or under privileged backgrounds. Yet her school has achieved a privileged Arts Mark and is increasingly successful. She puts a lot of this down to the inclusion of the Arts and I have to say I agree with her.

I hope that when I eventually qualify to teach full time in state schools that I can aspire to be the great influence that she has been.

• What do I love about what I do? Who do I admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what I love?

I love to perform and give others the opportunity to. One of the best bits of what I do is managing to inspire children to have a go. Nine times out of ten getting them engaged and to give it a try is half the battle as most children fall in love with performing in one way or another once they give it a go.

I think that groups like Diversity have done wonders making dance more appealing, acceptable and down right cool. They are fresh, modern and appeal to a large market.

The members are great role models and inspirational to young children. The lead dancer Ashley Banjo gives as much credit to his academic studies as he does his dance, proving that the two can go hand in hand.

They push boundaries and constantly try new things, like there collaboration with the English National Ballet.

• What do I feel I don't understand? Who do I admire that does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as me?

There are several things professionally that I don't yet fully understand. This course has really opened my eyes to the idea of being a life long learner. Of looking at things differently and turning them into positive, knowledge gaining experiences.

I would love to be able to see these opportunities more for myself rather that relying on tutors to present topics to explore. I'm hoping that with time I will be able to manage my own learning.

Paula Nottingham our course leader as I'm sure you are all already aware is so keen and passionate on this topic. She is so open to learning and the fact that there is always something more to learn. She seems to see a learning opportunity in so many different situations and scenarios.

If you haven't already give her blog a read. It is so varied and interesting...

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