Friday, 2 November 2012

The down side of reflection...

All this reflective thought has obviously got me thinking and definitely opened my eyes to a few things about my life.

On one hand this is great because for instance i've already realised that I seem to live my life with the whole 'my cup is half empty' attitude and just how negative this is personally and professionally and am actually managing to turn that cup into one thats half full and rising.

But on the other hand what happens when you start to notice things that need to change and realise that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. For instance I knew that every aspect of my life was full and busy, but It has only been since putting pen to paper in my journal that I've realised just how ridiculous my schedule is!!!

After lots of reflecting on this I see no way to change it and now find it a whole lot more frustrating than I ever did in the past.

So to conclude yes reflection can be a very valuable tool but also sometimes ignorance can be bliss!


  1. But which is better for learning and development? Knowledge or ignorance?

  2. Well of course knowledge by far. I have a habit of playing devils advocate. I always like to look at things from every angle.

    A tool that is proving quite valuable for my whole learning experience. Where would be be if we always blindly followed and believed everything we read or are told?

    I like to be inquisitive enough to explore...i'm sure I'll travel down some dead ends and bad theories, but i hope I'll also discover some New and exciting avenues :)

  3. Hi Bobbie, I am so happy to find someone with the same thoughts as me! Writing my journal has been really eye opening and I have had a good look at how crazy my life is and that often i do not have the time to reflect. As a result I have ended up pretty poorly and have been forced to take two weeks off work! Finally some time to do some reflection!!! Keep going and I'm sure ignorance won't be bliss X
